Definition of Telephone jack

1. Noun. A jack for plugging in a telephone.

Exact synonyms: Phone Jack
Generic synonyms: Jack

Definition of Telephone jack

1. Noun. A jack on a wall used to connect a telephone to the telephone line. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Telephone Jack

telephone call
telephone calls
telephone card
telephone cards
telephone circuit
telephone company
telephone conference
telephone conversation
telephone cord
telephone dial
telephone directories
telephone directory
telephone exchange
telephone extension
telephone interview
telephone jack
telephone jacks
telephone kiosk
telephone line
telephone lines
telephone message
telephone number
telephone numbers
telephone operator
telephone operators
telephone order
telephone plug
telephone pole
telephone poles
telephone receiver

Literary usage of Telephone jack

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Security Awareness in the 1990's: Feature Articles from the Security by Lynn F. Fischer (1998)
"However, with the appearance of a modular telephone jack there is a greater potential problem. We suggest that you check your home to see what type of ..."

2. Radio-telephony for Everyone: The Wireless: how to Construct and Maintain by Laurence Marsham Cockaday (1922)
"telephone jack.—A receptacle into which the telephone plug is inserted to make connection between the receiver and the telephones. Telephone plug. ..."

3. The Elements of Electrical Transmission: A Text-book for Colleges and by Olin Jerome Ferguson (1911)
"In order to do this, two leads may be run down the tower, one from each line, to a telephone jack. The lineman or patrolman is furnished with a portable ..."

4. The Elements of Electrical Transmission: A Text-book for Colleges and by Olin Jerome Ferguson (1911)
"In order to do this, two leads may be run down the tower, one from each line, to a telephone jack. ..."

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